Friday, April 27, 2007


I have a new link on the side for my tabblo of pictures of Deep Ellum that I took last year and a link to Banksky's website.
I don't know what it is about graffitti, but I've always been fascinated. Not by the ones that are vain vandals (writing names in gang script) but the real artists. The ones that when you drive by you look at graffitti and go "Damn, someone would pay big bucks to have that in their living room."
Maybe it's because I can't bring myself to deface a public building. But maybe that's why it's done! I think I'm jealous because I think I can do work like that, I just don't because I have issues with breaking the law, defacing architecture...and getting caught.
I'd like to learn how to make the stencils too. I'm sure a computer program does it these days.
heh on the lookout for stencils of a psycho dog on brick wall near you!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I have trouble commenting on your posts.