Sunday, December 14, 2008


Things have been a bit whirlwind around me lately, all these holidays are sneaking up!
I have 2 weeks off work at a time when I think everyone around here needs a break.
I actually had 10 days to take, so I took 3 at Thanksgiving and I am taking 6 starting on the 19th. That leaves one day that will just be lost because I ran out of year.
The projects here at SWA have been amazing and it's been awesome to be a part of them. I was thrust into a position that I didn't think I was ready for back in the summer because the more tenured .com testers were placed on another project. I think I've held my own and rolled with the punches, but with that, I've also run out of year! Some major players in the development end are also taking the last 2 weeks off because we really didn't have enough slowdown to take any kind of break since the summer.
I believe all the hard work will pay off in the new year. As always in technology, people only notice when something goes wrong. All the hard work is behind the scenes and the customers should not notice a change.
On a really cool note, I'm actually going to travel a little with my job. Yeah, I know, I work for an airline! My jobs have never involved traveling, so going to Chicago on occasion will certainly be a new experience. I think the only other time I have travelled was to fix a server in Houston, not even a night's stay.
I had an opportunity to go to Seattle next week, but that fell through, so now I just want to get out of town to SOMEWHERE. I'll end up in San Antonio for Christmas for sure. I need time to decompress. It's been a very work-centric year.