Tuesday, January 03, 2006

Happy New Year!

FYI, things are getting better with the whole stolen wallet drama. I am still waiting on my pin number for my debit card, but I've been managing. as long as there is fuel for my
The new year so far has been quiet. It looks like things are ramping up on the work front.
I like to make broad resolutions so I can work on them little by little throughout the year. I like key words, like one year, it was "ORGANIZE" and that was a very productive year.
This year I think my resolution is not going to be just one word as in years past. This year's theme will be "Get your Sh*t Together!!"
Yes, those exclamation points are necessary.
I got started prior to the new year by getting insurance for my car which I have neglected for a long time. And getting the ruby beauty inspected. Now I just have to get the registration and I will have peace of mind.
My dining table is usually full of papers. Well, it still is, but less than before. I spent every spare moment with a shredder on one side of me and a trash can on the other while I sorted and filed the bills and miscellaneous reciepts.
I actually had fun! Thank you Santa for my shredder!
A friend got a pleasant suprise when she got word that her stolen truck was found and is at an impound lot in Ft.Worth. The guy who stole it was found with crack in it.  Yay!
2006 is already looking up. Hope good things happen for everybody!
Happy New Year!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Happy New Year