Saturday, January 01, 2005

Happy New Year

Ringing in the new year was a good time at Tina's. I'll let you know when and where the pictures are posted. Being surrounded by friends was fun but I did miss all the people who could not be there.
I didn't have anyone to kiss at midnight, but I did have a very sweet dog named T-bone become my friend. (Although I did not seek her out at midnight)
I learned that figuring out how to turn up the volume on an iPod is a pain in the ass.
I learned there's always room in the fridge for more beer.
I learned I'm not a fan of fancy scotch. Hand me a beer and keep me happy.
I learned that running from the cops cuz they might take your firecrackers away can be done at any age.
I learned it takes much more than 52 tries to get a playing card to slice a banana.
I watched a guy pour scotch and tea into a glass of beer-- and follow through and drink it.
I saw that the biggest kiss of the evening (in my observation) was between a gay man and a lesbian woman.

"Wooooooooaaaoaoh!!!!! 2005!!!!!!"
"I've got double D's"
"Will you marry me?"
"We met in 2004 and plan to marry in 2005"
"I have corks in my butt"
"I hope 2005 is betterer."
"This is a table --=Slam!=-- Show me God."
"When you burn a poker chip -- it reaks!"

What I think will happen in 2005??

Work will begin in "The Book of Hirsut" to help future generations get a clue that she does not have their answers, but that they are to find their own.
I'll age one year.
I can now to go to the grocery store to get alcohol when in Carrollton.
I'll grow in mind and spirit.
We'll see compassion for humanity magnified.
I will find the good in everything around me.
I will accept the challenges and hurdles placed before me and do my best.
I will try.
I will become financially liquid. (Check me on that one next year)
I will take more pictures.
I will study harder. ...okay, I will study.
I will read things that will help me grow, not just help me escape.


hauself said...

That is funnier than CRAP! I laughed SO hard reading your post.
good times...good times.

Anonymous said...

Hee hee. Good quotes! But it might be easier to post your pictures if you hadn't left your camera at Tina's, yes? ;)

[says the DD girl with corks in her butt]