I always thought it was kind of cute and funny that Max would eat ALL of his food when Flower would come into the kitchen. He gathers up his toys when Flower walks across the living room. Flower is what...less than 6 inches tall? ..why is that intimidating?!
Now I understand why.
I was in the kitchen making my own breakfast and heard Max give off a tiny little whimper and heard his little feet going back and forth in the way he does when he doesn't know what to do and needs guidance.
Flower was in his food! He had reached up and had one tortoise arm in the food and was looking around to find just the right kibble of Beneful. I scrambled to look for a camera, but missed the best picture of them all. Max had reached down into his dish, at the same time that Flower was in there, and grabbed a small mouthful of food and went to the other side of the kitchen to eat it. He did look like his feelings had been hurt too. I felt bad for him, but I've always told him that Flower is above him on the totem pole. I'm just glad he didn't get food aggressive with Flower. I'm glad I can trust the two alone together.
That's a great pic!
I’m writing from Surfdog Records. Thanks for posting about Brian on your blog, we really appreciate it! We’re gearing up to release a brand new Brian Setzer album this Fall and I’d love to add you on to our e-mail list so we can keep you in the loop. I did not see an e-mail address on your blog. Please send me an e-mail at megan@surfdog.com if you would like to be added to our list!
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