Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Gone Krogerin'

Back in the day I loved these potato chips called O'Grady's.
The Au-Gratin flavor was my favorite.
They were thick-thick-cut rippled chips. Man, they were awesome!

Well, cruising through Kroger yesterday, I discovered that Ruffles makes thick-cut now.
Yayyyyyy!!! You know I snapped up a bag. From what I could see they had "Original" and "Cheddar-Baked Potato". Memories of Augratin had me reaching for the Baked Potato.
Frankly, the Baked Potato doesn't seem to have a strong flavor, but it makes sense that potato and baked potato don't taste too different. :)
They tried to season it with a cheesy flavor, but it wasn't enough.
NOW, my issue:
If it's a new product, why have an "Original" flavor? Isn't the original flavor both regular and Cheddar baked potato?
What's so wrong with "Plain"?

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