Friday, November 02, 2007


Sign that I'm a grown-up: I recently paid for a copy of Vista for the PC I'm building. Really, never used by another person, the license is all mine! Totally voluntary too!

Sign that I'm a geek: My computer monitor is about to exceed the size of my television set.

Sign that I am a Dallasite: (aside from using the word "Dallasite"!) My pup is scheduled for boarding at Pete&Macs for Renee's wedding weekend, then Thanksgiving and Christmas...full Daycare everyday and a suite with a cool-arse cot for him to sleep on. I'll probably be on my sister's couch during that time!


Anonymous said...

Ha! I don't know what I'm going to be when I grow up.

roBERTa said...

There are plenty of indicators that I'm not totally there yet!