Thursday, May 04, 2006


You won't believe what I ran across at the thrift store this weekend!  Okay, maybe you have an idea because of the title.  there's this great thrift store on Irving Blvd that is part of my thrift store "route" on the weekends. I hadn't been on this jaunt in a while, so I was excited.
I generally go look at furniture, appliances, picture frames and computer stuff and then segue to the clothing, usually men's shirts. I don't trust much else. I did find execllent deals on shoes (Adidas and Doc Martens combined, 10 bucks) for a while there. As a matter of fact, I picked up a pair of Kenneth Cole loafers this weekend for $10. but I digress....
There I am looking at a ton of old shirts, polo, gap, old navy....lots of gimme shirts for various companies and then there it is, like a light beaming from the flourescents above...a light blue (a well earned fade) long sleeved button-down...I push the hanger to reveal the logo....yep.
ENRON. ...I giggled, went to the next shirt then came back to this one...I have to get it. And the price is right, $1.98.
Will I wear it? Should I wear it? Gawd, what'll people say?  hehe.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Of course you should wear it!! I'm so jealous. that rocks.