Friday, March 18, 2005

Alright Already!

It's been pointed out that I have not updated my blog lately.

Let me rephrase that ...I've been getting sh * it for not posting anything
in a while.

I tend to post when I'm at school, don't ask me why, maybe all the chaos
inspires me. Or maybe it's an escape.

So the new Quarter is starting and I have classes on Wednesdays and Friday
nights (yuck!)

Keep a lookout for new and interesting stuff. I can't say if I will not tell
you about my day or whether I will wax philosophical, but I know I learn
about myself when I blog.

"You have nothing to lose but Fear and Time"


Anonymous said...

True, one really does learn alot about themselves from blogging. (even more than others learn about you from reading your blog)

good for you.


Anonymous said...'s been awhile! :)