Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Week 1

…my plan was to do a daily log of the weirdness that Lupron causes. Because the symptoms online were scary to say the least.

The reality is not much better.

The week with Lupron:

Hot Flashes…Nope

Night Sweats…Nope


And all those other 32 symptoms we saw online...nada

What’s really happened is that I don’t feel anything. Not in the good way, where I am not experiencing any weird symptoms, so that must be nice… but in the totally APATHETIC kind of way.

I’m thinking of things that stress me, but I don’t FEEL anything. It’s so hard to explain, but that’s the only way I can describe it.

I’m thinking the hyper thoughts, but I’m not feeling that thing that you get in your chest when you passionately feel angst or anger or even find something funny.


That’s my only observation so far. …Let me just add that this is also the BEST I’ve felt in a while. I’m always tired or PMS’y so I’m dragged down and nervous all the time. Not feeling that. At the time I got the shot, I was in full on PMS mode, so I definitely noticed the difference.

My neighbor actually told me that my coloring looks good. That was nice. J and knowing I won’t have to worry about my period for 30 days…that’s nice too.

I have my pre-op appt on Nov 2. I will have to pay the difference of what my insurance won’t cover at that time. So I have something that’s going to loom overhead for a little while more.

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